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プログラム | PROGRAMS


7:00~ 順次登園
9:30~11:30 サークルタイム・主活動
11:30~12:00 昼食
12:30~14:30 屋外・室内あそび / お昼寝
15:00~15:30 おやつ
16:00~17:00 屋外・室内あそび
18:00〜18:30 補食
〜19:00 順次降園

0歳児クラス (0 year class)


As this will most likely be the first time your child is separated from you, we make sure to provide extra attention with motherly care for all that he/she needs.

1~2歳児クラス (1~2 years class)


The children love to learn and are so eager at this age to see, touch and know more. Our teachers understand this and challenge children on a daily basis.

3~5歳児クラス (3~5 years class)


We realize the need for children of this age to be challenged, and provide activities accordingly; encouraging them to become life long learners.

After school

・幼稚園生向けクラス Kindergarten schoolers
・小学生向けクラス Elementary schoolers


Children are given a supportive environment to experience different cultures as well as fun activities including games, songs, arts & crafts, and drama. Children can experience a natural English environment and learn while being immersed in a natural English setting.